Ora Health

MAG³ MOOD ™|情緒平衡

$238 $318

Muscle Function + Mood Balance


Recommended for adults seeking help with:

✺ 肌肉緊張和抽筋
✺ 情緒低落
✺ 經常感到疲累
✺ 緩解壓力,提高身體適應壓力的能力
✺ 心理健康
✺ 情緒平衡
✺ 腹部絞痛
✺ 肌肉放鬆
✺ 身體缺乏鎂

+ 支持肌肉功能
+ 維持神經肌肉功能
+ 支持心臟健康
+ 支持骨骼健康
+ 保持整體健康
檸檬香蜂草 + 支持情緒健康
+ 保持健康的睡眠模式
+ 緩解失眠
+ 減輕輕度焦慮的症狀
+ 作為神經系統鬆弛劑
有機南非醉茄 KSM-66® + 緩解疲勞或疲勞
+ 幫助身體適應壓力,減輕壓力症狀
+ 維持神經系統健康
+ 支持健康的情緒平衡
+ 支持認知功能和記憶

+ 冬蟲夏草是一種在西藏和不丹喜馬拉雅山麓野生生長的真菌。如果環境條件合適,昆蟲的頭部就會長出一個葉片狀的蘑菇(子實體),產生所謂的冬蟲夏草。

Mag 3 Mood™ 中選擇了在大麥基質上種植的高品質冬蟲夏草提取物,從而確保控制質量,而該成分不含任何動物或昆蟲副產品,適合素食主義者。

✔ 天然香料 - 酸橙和菠蘿 ✔ 100% 純素
✔ 可持續採購 ✔ 無添加糖 ✔ 無添加麩質


✘ 蛋 ✘ 堅果衍生成分(堅果、花生)✘ 大豆
✘ 牛奶 ✘ 魚和貝類 ✘ 小麥和麩質


每次將 5g 的劑量(約一茶匙)混合到水中並立即飲用。



Size: 150g(口服散劑)

Made in Australia


Muscle Function + Mood Balance

A unique blend of three highly bioavailable forms of magnesium, complete with mood-supporting herbs and sustainably-sourced vegan Cordyceps.

Recommended for adults seeking help with:

✺ Muscle tension and cramps
✺ Low mood
✺ Low energy
✺ Stress relief and improving the body's ability to adapt to stress
✺ Mental wellbeing
✺ Emotional balance
✺ Abdominal cramping
✺ Muscle relaxation
✺ Magnesium deficiency

+ Support muscle function
+ Maintain neuromuscular function
+ Support heart health
+ Support bone health
+ Maintain general health and wellbeing
Lemon Balm + Support emotional wellbeing
+ Maintain healthy sleeping patterns
+ Relieve sleeplessness
+ Reduce symptoms of mild anxiety
+ As a nervous system relaxant
Organic Ashwagandha KSM-66®
+ Relieve weariness or fatigue
+ Help the body adapt to stress and reduce symptoms of stress
+ Maintain nervous system health
+ Support healthy emotional balance
+ Support cognitive function and memory

+ Cordyceps is a fungus that grows wild in the Himalayan foothills of Tibet and Bhutan, typically by infecting certain caterpillars. If the environmental conditions are right, a blade-like mushroom (fruiting body) then grows from the insect’s head, producing what is known as Cordyceps.

For our Mag3 Mood™, we have selected a high quality Cordyceps extract which is cultivated on a barley substrate, thereby ensuring quality is consistently controlled and that the ingredient does not contain any animal or insect by-products. It is therefore suitable for vegans.

✔ Natural flavours - lime & pineapple ✔ 100% vegan
✔ Sustainably-sourced ✔ No added sugar ✔ No added gluten


✘ Eggs ✘ Nut-derived ingredients (tree nuts, peanuts)
✘ Soybeans ✘ Milk ✘ Fish and shellfish ✘ Wheat and gluten


Mix one 5-gram dose (approx. one heaped metric teaspoon) into water and consume immediately.
Take once daily, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, worsen, or change unexpectedly, talk to your healthcare professional.

Size: 150g(Oral Powder)

Made in Australia

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